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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:) Smile Smile
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:D Big Grin Big Grin
;) Wink Wink
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:mad: Mad Mad
:confused: Confused Confused
:( Frown Frown
:whs: Hesaid Hesaid
:sick: 1 1
:getin: 59 59
:afro: Afro Afro
:badair: Badair Badair
:beee: Beee Beee
:biggrin2: Biggrin2 Biggrin2
:biggrinn: Biggrinn Biggrinn
:big_boss: Big Boss Big Boss
:bleh: Bleh Bleh
:blondblush: Blondblush1 Blondblush1
:blonde: Blonde Blonde
:boxing: Boxing Boxing
:burp: Burp Burp
:bye: Bye1 Bye1
:censored: Censored Censored
:cheers: Cheers Cheers
:clap: Clap Clap
:cowboy: Cowboy Cowboy
:cray: Cray Cray
:crylol: Crylol Crylol
:depressed: Depressed Depressed
:doofywave: Doofywave Doofywave
:eusa_angel: Eusa Angel Eusa Angel
:boohoo: Eusa Boohoo Eusa Boohoo
:clap: Eusa Clap Eusa Clap
:dance: Eusa Dance Eusa Dance
:doh: Eusa Doh Eusa Doh
:drool: Eusa Drool Eusa Drool
:eh: Eusa Eh Eusa Eh
:hand: Eusa Hand Eusa Hand
:liar: Eusa Liar Eusa Liar
:naughty: Eusa Naughty Eusa Naughty
:pray: Eusa Pray Eusa Pray
:shhh: Eusa Shhh Eusa Shhh
:shifty: Eusa Shifty Eusa Shifty
:sick: Eusa Sick Eusa Sick
:silenced: Eusa Silenced Eusa Silenced
:snooty: Eusa Snooty Eusa Snooty
:think: Eusa Think Eusa Think
:wall: Eusa Wall Eusa Wall
:whistle: Eusa Whistle Eusa Whistle
:flip: Flip Flip
:friends: Friends Friends
:gun: Gun2 Gun2
:hang: Hang Hang
:icon_arrow: Icon Arrow Icon Arrow
:icon_biggrin: Icon Biggrin Icon Biggrin
:icon_confused: Icon Confused Icon Confused
:icon_eek: Icon Eek Icon Eek
:icon_evil: Icon Evil Icon Evil
:icon_exclaim: Icon Exclaim Icon Exclaim
:icon_idea: Icon Idea Icon Idea
:icon_mad: Icon Mad Icon Mad
:icon_question: Icon Question Icon Question
:icon_razz: Icon Razz Icon Razz
:icon_redface: Icon Redface Icon Redface
:icon_rolleyes: Icon Rolleyes Icon Rolleyes
:icon_sad: Icon Sad Icon Sad
:icon_surprised: Icon Surprised Icon Surprised
:icon_twisted: Icon Twisted Icon Twisted
:icon_wink: Icon Wink Icon Wink
:matrix: Matrix Matrix
:lolsign: Mfr Lol Mfr Lol
:boff: Mf Boff Mf Boff
:death: Mf Death Mf Death
:doof: Mf Doof Mf Doof
:dribble: Mf Dribble Mf Dribble
:farmer: Mf Farmer Mf Farmer
:laughbounce2: Mf Laughbounce2 Mf Laughbounce2
:lust: Mf Lust Mf Lust
:new_russian: New Russian New Russian
:no2: No2 No2
:nono1: Nono1 Nono1
:offtopic: Offtopic Offtopic
:ohmy: Ohmy Ohmy
:pilot: Pilot Pilot
:poster_oops: Poster Oops Poster Oops
:ranting: Ranting Ranting
:salute: Salute Salute
:secret: Secret Secret
:shifty: Shifty Shifty
:shutup: Shutup Shutup
:skull_crossbones: Skull Crossbones Skull Crossbones
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:sleeping: Sleeping Sleeping
:sly: Sly Sly
:smalllove: Smalllove Smalllove
:smoke: Smoke Smoke
:spoton: Spoton Spoton
:tease: Tease Tease
:theysaid: Theysaid Theysaid
:thumbdown: Thumbdown Thumbdown
:thumbsup: Thumbsup Thumbsup
:tongue_2: Tongue 2 Tongue 2
:tumbleweed: Tumbleweed Tumbleweed
:whistling: Whistling Whistling
:worthy: Worthy Worthy
:yahoo: Yahoo Yahoo
:yes: Yes Yes
:yuk: Yuk Yuk
:old_alien: Old Alien Old Alien
:old_baaa: Old Baaa Old Baaa
:old_biggrin: Old Biggrin Old Biggrin
:old_blush: Old Blush Old Blush
:old_butbut: Old Butbut Old Butbut
:old_confused: Old Confused Old Confused
:old_devil: Old Devil Old Devil
:old_dontgetit: Old Dontgetit Old Dontgetit
:old_hehe: Old Hehe Old Hehe
:old_lookaround: Old Lookaround Old Lookaround
:old_mad: Old Mad Old Mad
:old_rolleyes: Old Rolleyes Old Rolleyes
:old_sad: Old Sad Old Sad
:old_shaun: Old Shaun Old Shaun
:old_smile: Old Smile Old Smile
:old_thumbs-up: Old Thumbs Up Old Thumbs Up
:old_tounge: Old Tounge Old Tounge
:old_wink: Old Wink Old Wink
:old_withstupid: Old Withstupid Old Withstupid
:old_wow: Old Wow Old Wow
:angry: Angry2 Angry2
:crying: Crying Crying
:dispute: Dispute Dispute
:hopping: Hopping Hopping
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:roflol: Roflol Roflol
:shooting: Shooting Shooting
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek: EEK! EEK!

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