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Old 06-09-2023, 19:02   #11
Slutty Rimmer
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Default Spacetime lock.

Well I’ve just purchased one of these for the intern whilst the Lady’s attention is rightly focussed on more important things.

Lock yourself up, pop the keys in and set the day/hour of your release. Helps with addictive habits other than ‘self pleasure’….or as the listing prefers to call it ‘other temptations’ !

Kind Regards,
Light, Life, Love.
🌈 Trans-women are not women…they are men with a mental disorder. Protect women.

“You [Rimmer] are truly a master amongst masters...” Ex Nihilo, UK-M.

“Freedom only to speak inoffensivley is not worth having.”

“If a man can be a woman, there's no such thing as a woman.”

“LGBTQIA2S+ ? Everything after the B is either fake, fashion, or illness.”
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Old 06-09-2023, 19:18   #12
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Originally Posted by Slutty Rimmer View Post
Well I’ve just purchased one of these for the intern whilst the Lady’s attention is rightly focussed on more important things.

Lock yourself up, pop the keys in and set the day/hour of your release. Helps with addictive habits other than ‘self pleasure’….or as the listing prefers to call it ‘other temptations’ !

Kind Regards,
Each to our own but that really wouldn’t appeal
to me. It wouldn’t be the same without her active involvement - recognising that your lady has other things going on
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Old 06-09-2023, 20:21   #13
Slutty Rimmer
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Default Slave to time.

Originally Posted by Lisal View Post
Each to our own but that really wouldn’t appeal
to me. It wouldn’t be the same without her active involvement - recognising that your lady has other things going on
Oh I agree completely with that observation Lisal. It is no substitute for the real thing…but in the interim when needs must !

It’s just an additional twist of denied torment to ‘me time’ playtime.

Kind Regards,
Light, Life, Love.
🌈 Trans-women are not women…they are men with a mental disorder. Protect women.

“You [Rimmer] are truly a master amongst masters...” Ex Nihilo, UK-M.

“Freedom only to speak inoffensivley is not worth having.”

“If a man can be a woman, there's no such thing as a woman.”

“LGBTQIA2S+ ? Everything after the B is either fake, fashion, or illness.”

Last edited by Slutty Rimmer; 07-09-2023 at 09:03.
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Old 06-09-2023, 21:57   #14
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Works for me and they are very portable too.

Keep me wallet in one……… remember 😂
A girls gotta have somewhere to park her bike.
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Old 08-09-2023, 07:41   #15
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Default Stuck in your device, with no one to phone!

having been a wearer of chastity devices for over 15 years at the gentle hands, or not so gentle as the case may be, of Mistress Miranda. Most of the worries and fears that you have both expressed have confronted me upon occasion.

The answer to your concerns is a diamond nail file. Diamond nail files are coated in diamond dust and basically they can cut through anything. If you really need to remove the device and there is no other choice, saw through the plastic ring and remove the device. It is that simple!

I would also suggest that if you are going to do this, buying two devices once you have found one that actually fits and keep it as a spare should urgency require you to cut off the other one. Don't go down the route of retaining keys, if you do, only do so under the guidance of your mistress.

Hygiene! White spirit vinegar diluted 50% can be used as a wash to remove the ammonia smell. Works very effectively! Also a small blob of coconut oil, and coconut oil in general, can be placed at the top of the device it is a sterile lubricant. It also acts as an antibacterial so it keeps everything safe and sound. You can also use surgical iodine, Betadine/Povidin. A very small squirt into the device once a week and application on sore spots will keep you clean and infection free. Again it is an antibacterial soap it will help reduces smells. It is also used in hospitals on wounds, post surgical stitching and as a hard-core hand sanitiser. Just remember your contained cock will go a strange wallnut brown colour for while. At least one of your component parts will get a suntan!
Often the request of "Please don't Mistress" and the reply of "Oh yes I am!" is a far more rewarding event.
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